Looking For Cat Nicknames? Here Are 1000+ Ideas From Cat Lovers Like You!

grey and white tabby cat wearing glasses, looking at a list of cat nicknames that is just out of view

When a Reddit user asked fellow cat owners to share their pets’ nicknames, the response was overwhelming. Within days, hundreds of fellow Redditors answered, revealing the nicknames they had given their cats.

These cat nicknames range from the humorous to the heartfelt, from the obvious to the obscene. But invariably, each name reflects the personality, quirks, and physical traits of their furry family members.

Want to know what those nicknames are? We’ve done the legwork for you, and have extracted the nicknames from the Reddit post and listed them here.

Whether you’re looking for inspiration for naming your own cat or just curious about the variety of nicknames out there, you’re in the right place.

The Question: What Are Your Cat’s Nicknames?

Redditor u/coxxinaboxx asked readers the question “what are your cat’s nicknames?”. He starts out the discussion by listing the various nicknames that he has given his own cat, Hocus Pocus:

  • Binkles
  • Binkies
  • Binxley
  • Bankies
  • Kittles
  • Stinky
  • Bad Boy
  • Binxy
  • Asshole
  • Big Dummy Head
  • Fatty Boy (even though he’s not fat!)
  • Fatty Chunk Chunk
  • Spooky Kitten

That got me to thinking about all the nicknames I call my own cats, particularly my Sphynx. Her name is Joey, but more often than not I call her one of these names instead:

  • JoJo
  • Tic Tac (when her toenails are clicking on the floor)
  • Squeak (she rarely meows, she can usually only squeak)
  • Princess
  • Your Majesty (when she refuses to leave her heating mat and we need to bring her breakfast in bed!)

It turns out that giving your cat multiple “unofficial” names, or nicknames, is pretty common. Many Redditors reported having 10 or more nicknames for their cats.

It’s no wonder that cat’s have a reputation for not coming when called – they probably have no idea what their name REALLY is!

cute cat wearing a plaid hoodie

The Answer: Over 1000 Cat Nicknames (as reported by cat owners)

We made it our goal to extract every nickname listed in the above Reddit post, and list them in a convenient, easy-to-read format for your convenience. There were more than we expected!

The names we extracted range from the obvious (such as “Kitty”) to the obscure (ever hear of “Tuberosclerosis”?). Many nicknames are related to the cats appearance (think “Fluffy”, “Chunky”, and “Sausage”), and others to their behavior (such as “Nutcase” and “Naughty”).

There’s a few “bad words” reported as well – we thought about leaving those out, but ultimately left them in because they are valid nicknames after all. We apologize in advance for those!

Ok, let’s get to the good part – the list of cat nicknames.

Giant List of Cat Nicknames

We’ve arranged this list alphabetically. Admittedly, it does sometimes remove the context when names are related but aren’t next to each other on the list because they begin with different letters.

Also, keep in mind that names are not listed in conjunction the cat’s actual name. Some names may only make sense when you know what the cat’s real name.

But given that the list of names is sooooo long already, it is just too much to group names according to the cat’s actual name. That will have to be a topic for another article!

In the meantime, you can put your imagination to use to come up with ideas about why somebody would give their cats these nicknames.

A – B

  • Abbie
  • Abbs
  • Abi
  • Abs
  • Ace
  • Airplane Ears
  • Antenna
  • Arnie
  • Arnoldo
  • Artemis
  • Artemis Fartemis
  • Artichoke
  • Artie
  • Arty Party
  • Asshole
  • Assturd
  • Baba
  • Babbers Cadavers
  • Babu
  • Babucat
  • Babuska
  • Baby
  • Baby Bean
  • Baby Boi
  • Baby Boy
  • Baby Brother
  • Baby Cat
  • Baby Girl
  • Baby Huey
  • Baby Key
  • Baby Sausage
  • Baby Snacc
  • Baby Twiggy
  • Babyboo
  • Babycakes
  • Babymann
  • Bad
  • Bad Girl
  • Baka
  • Ballsack
  • Baloo Billi
  • Baltimore Raven
  • Banano
  • Banoodle
  • Bappy
  • Barfy Guts
  • Barnacloon
  • Bastiano
  • BayBEE
  • Bean
  • Bean-a
  • Beaner
  • Beanie
  • Beanie Babe
  • Beanin
  • Beans
  • Beary Booboo
  • Beastie Baby
  • Beasties
  • Bebe
  • Bebe Gorl
  • Bee
  • Beebee
  • Been
  • Beenie
  • Beep Beep
  • Beetle
  • Begoon
  • Bell
  • Bella
  • Bella Bear
  • Bellie
  • Bells
  • Bells and Whistles
  • Berry
  • Beth
  • Bethy
  • Bich
  • Bidi Cat
  • Big Bad
  • Big Booty Judy
  • Big Boy
  • Big Brother
  • Big Chungus
  • Big Fat Murph
  • Big Head
  • Big Man
  • Big Momma
  • Big Orange
  • Big Peach
  • Bingus
  • Binky
  • Birdie
  • Biscuit
  • Bitch Butt
  • Bitchass
  • Bits
  • Bitty
  • Blinky
  • Bobble Babble
  • Bobcat
  • Boboz
  • Bochi
  • Bologna
  • Boo
  • Boo Boo
  • Boo Boo Lady
  • Booba
  • Booba Baby Boy
  • Boobie
  • Booboo
  • Booder
  • Booger
  • Boogers
  • Boop Boop
  • Boopy
  • Booster
  • Booters
  • Booticus Maximus
  • Boots With the Fur
  • Bootsie
  • Booty-baby
  • Bootyboy
  • Box Kitty
  • Boy
  • Boyo
  • Boz Face
  • Bozzy
  • Brick
  • Brother Bear
  • Buba
  • Bubala
  • Bubba
  • Bubba/Bubs
  • Bubba-lene
  • Bubbaloo
  • Bubbers
  • Bubbie
  • Bubbula
  • Bubby
  • Bubs
  • Bud
  • Buddy
  • Buddy Bear
  • Buddy Boo
  • Buddy McBudderson
  • Bug
  • Bug Eyes
  • Buggy
  • Bun-Bun
  • Bunny
  • Buoy
  • Buppy
  • Burnt Toast
  • Butin
  • Butt
  • Butt Butt
  • Butt Butts
  • Butt-butt
  • Buttcat
  • Buttface
  • Butthead
  • Butthole
  • Button Boy
  • Butts
brown grey white tabby cat looking up, white background

C – D

  • Cal
  • CalCat
  • Callie-cal
  • CalvinCat
  • Care
  • Care-bear
  • Carpet
  • Carrie
  • Cat
  • Char
  • Chatterbox 9000
  • Chatty Cat-thy
  • Chaz
  • Cheech
  • Cheese
  • Chhotu
  • Chicken
  • Chonk
  • Chonkasaur
  • Chonker
  • Chonko
  • Chonky
  • Chubby Girl
  • Chungus
  • Chunk
  • Chunker
  • Chunkus
  • Chunky
  • Chunky Pandey
  • Chunkybutt
  • Cinnamon Bun
  • Ciri
  • Cleanup Crew
  • Callie the Calico
  • Cootie
  • Copycat
  • Cowkitty
  • Crackhead
  • Crankypants
  • Creature
  • Cricket
  • Criminal
  • Cuddlebug
  • Cupcake
  • Cute
  • Cutie Bug
  • Cutie Patootie
  • Cutie Pie
  • Dark
  • Das Klein
  • Davils
  • Deens Beans
  • Demon
  • Dennis the Menace
  • Devil
  • Dickbutt
  • Dickface
  • Dickhead
  • Ding Dong
  • Dini
  • Dinkle
  • Dodo
  • Doomie Boomies
  • Dor Dor
  • Dory the Explory
  • Double
  • Droplet
  • Dude
  • Dum Dum
  • Dumbass
  • Dumbo
  • Dumdum
  • Dummy
  • Dumpster Baby
  • Dweet Girl
  • Dweetles

E – F

  • El
  • el Nene
  • Eleanor
  • Ellie
  • Epi
  • Epiglottis
  • Episiotomy
  • Ernesto
  • Ernie
  • Fartie
  • Fat Boi
  • Fat Boy
  • Fat Butt
  • Fat Cow
  • Fat Fluff
  • Fat Head
  • Fat Man
  • Fat Ol Lady
  • Fatass
  • Fatbitch
  • Fatty
  • Fatty Babie
  • Fatty McFatFace
  • Fatty McFat-Fat
  • Fatty Sausage Boy
  • Feen
  • Feena
  • Feisty
  • Ferg
  • Fergalicious
  • Ferg-Ferg
  • Fergy
  • Fetch Bob
  • Fetch Cat
  • Fifi
  • Finn
  • Finnebon
  • Finnebum
  • Finny
  • Finny Foofoo
  • Finny-baby
  • Floofle
  • Floofyfloof
  • Fluff
  • Fluff Butt
  • Fluff of Evil
  • Fluffalo
  • Fluffball
  • Fluff Butt
  • Fluffle Truffle
  • Fluffy
  • Fluffy Baby
  • Fluffy Boy
  • Fluffy Butt
  • Fluffy Face
  • Fluffy Little Fucker
  • Fluffy Nugget
  • Fluffy Pants
  • Foo BearBear
  • Foofas
  • Foofoo
  • Frank
  • Frankalank
  • Frankenstein
  • Frankfurt
  • Frankles
  • Frog
  • Fuckass
  • Fuckface
  • Fuzz Butts
  • Fuzzball
  • Fuzzbutt
  • Fuzzy Bean
  • Fuzzy Butts
  • Fuzzy Tum
  • Fuzzy Wuzzy
  • Fwee Fwee
grey tabby laying on its back on a bed

G – H

  • Gaba Gaba
  • Garf
  • Garvfefe
  • Gatita Rusa
  • Girl
  • Goblin
  • Gooba
  • Goober
  • Good Kitten
  • Goof
  • Goon
  • Goose
  • Goosey
  • Goosey Girl
  • Goosey Goober
  • Goozco
  • Gorgeous
  • Gorl
  • Greemlawn
  • Gremlin
  • Gremlin Child
  • Gumbo
  • Gumby
  • Habanero
  • Handsome
  • Handsome Bo
  • Handsome Boi
  • Handsome Boy
  • Handsome Man
  • Harleen
  • Harls
  • Harry Bella-Fonte
  • Hey Fucker
  • Hey June
  • Hob Goblin
  • Hobbert
  • Hobby
  • Hobs
  • Hobster
  • Honey
  • Honey Baby
  • Honey Bear
  • Honey Poopoo
  • Honey Tumps
  • Hoops
  • Hoops McGee
  • Hoopy
  • House Lion
  • Hubie Doobie
  • Hubie Dooby Doo
  • Hubies
  • Hue
  • Huey Bluey
  • Huey P.
  • Huey P. Newton
  • Hugh Man

J – L

  • Idiot
  • Itty Bitty
  • Itty Bitty Kitty
  • Jabba the Butt
  • Jack Tripper
  • Jan
  • Jan Miss
  • Jelly Belly
  • Jerk
  • Johnnypoo
  • Judith
  • Junebug
  • Junie B Jones
  • JunJunMaru
  • Katze
  • Kentucky Fried Kitten
  • Key
  • Kibbles
  • Kibbles n Bits
  • Kiki
  • King
  • KitCat
  • KitKat
  • Kitty
  • Kitty Cat
  • Kitty Purr Purr
  • Kleinus
  • Kleiny
  • Lady
  • Lady Margington
  • Lanky Franky
  • Larry
  • Lav
  • Lazy Guy
  • LB
  • Lil Butt
  • Lil C
  • Lil Girl
  • Lil JLo
  • Lil Key
  • Lil Lady
  • Lil Man
  • Lil’ Miss Wisp
  • Lil Otter
  • Lil Prince
  • Lillington
  • Lilybean
  • Lilybear
  • Lilybum
  • Lilybutt
  • Lilz
  • Linet
  • Liney
  • Linus
  • Little
  • Little Angel
  • Little Bean
  • Little Beasts
  • Little Boy
  • Little Boy Cat
  • Little Demon
  • Little Devil
  • Little Girl
  • Little Guy
  • Little Idiot
  • Little Jan
  • Little Lion
  • Little Love
  • Little Man
  • Little Miss
  • Little Momma
  • Little Monster
  • Little Nut
  • Little One
  • Little Prince
  • Little Princess
  • Little Punk
  • Little Shit
  • Little Weirdo
  • Livs
  • Livy
  • Lo
  • Lo Lo Clown
  • Lofu
  • Lokiki
  • Lollapalooza Bean-a
  • LoLo
  • Looney Junie
  • Lordly Little Lion Man
  • Loseph
  • Lou Furrigno
  • Lou-cifur
  • Loud Lady
  • Luce Ma Goose
  • Lucy
  • Lucy Goose
  • Lucy GooseY
  • Lukus
  • Lulu
  • Lunatic
  • Luni


  • Ma’am
  • Mama
  • Mama Baby
  • Mama Cat
  • Mama Goose
  • Mamas
  • Mancat
  • Maniac
  • Maow Maow
  • Maowsers
  • Marceline
  • Marcie
  • Marcie Moo
  • Marcie Weenie
  • Marcy
  • Margarine
  • Margarita
  • Marge
  • Marge & in Charge
  • Marge Madness
  • Margey
  • Margey Bunch
  • Margy Dog
  • Margy Marge
  • Mausie
  • Maximus
  • McMuffin
  • Meat
  • Meatloaf
  • Medi Noot
  • Mediest Cat
  • Meech
  • Meechy
  • Meechy Meech
  • Meegz
  • Meep
  • Meep Meep
  • Meepers
  • Mendy
  • Mentos
  • Meow Mix
  • Meow-Arella
  • Meowbox
  • Meownu Reeves
  • Merc
  • Mewsain Bol
  • Mewsli
  • Mi
  • Mietzmann
  • Miggy
  • Miglow
  • Mika Do
  • Mika Pie
  • Mika Poo
  • Milz
  • Mimi
  • Minatsuki
  • Mini
  • Mini Ma’am
  • Miniman
  • Minmin
  • Mints
  • Mischief
  • Miss
  • Miss Girl
  • Miss Kitty
  • Miss Ma’am
  • Miss Miss
  • Miss Mo
  • Miss Moo
  • Miss Moon
  • Miss Purr
  • Miss Scratch-A-Lot
  • Miss Thang
  • Miss Ween
  • Miss Yeet-Arella
  • Missy
  • Mister
  • Mister Bologna
  • Mister Man
  • Mistermister
  • Mitsuki
  • Mittens
  • Mitts
  • Mo
  • Moch
  • Mochi
  • Mochie
  • Mog
  • Moguls
  • Mohammed
  • Molle Polly
  • Molles
  • Momma
  • Momo
  • Momoo
  • Momosita
  • Monkey
  • Monkey Face
  • Monkus
  • Monsieur
  • Monster
  • Moo
  • Moo Cow Cat
  • Moo the Cow
  • Mooch
  • Moochi
  • Moomoo
  • Moon
  • Moon Bird
  • Mooney
  • Mooney Tunes
  • Moonriver
  • Moose
  • Mothball
  • Motu
  • Mr Pon Pon Sir
  • Mr Ponkin
  • Mr. Beans
  • Mr. Bear
  • Mr. Bollywood
  • Mr. Cash
  • Mr. Grinch
  • Mr. Handsome
  • Mr. Hollywood
  • Mr. Jackpots
  • Mr. Kitty
  • Mr. Man
  • Mr. McGoots
  • Mr. Noot
  • Mr. Nut
  • Mr. Parker
  • Mr. Parks
  • Mr. Pickles
  • Mr. Pissy Feet
  • Mr. Stinkypoopy Butthole
  • Mr. Sweetiepie
  • Mr. Tree
  • Mr. Turkey
  • Mr. Whiskers
  • Ms. Clumsy
  • Ms. Kitty
  • Muddy Cat
  • MuffinPants
  • Muffmuff
  • Munch
  • Munchi
  • Munchkin
  • Munchkinator
  • Munchulus
  • Mupmup
  • Murder Ball
  • Murph
  • Murphmurph
  • Murphy boy
  • My Handsome
  • My Little Petunia
  • My Love
  • My Only
  • My Son
brown tabby catty lookin up with its tongue sticking out

N – O

  • Narcolepsy
  • Nasty
  • Nat
  • Natty
  • Natty-nat
  • Naughty
  • Naughty Boy
  • Nectarine
  • Neeno
  • Nefertiti
  • Nelchen
  • Neli
  • Nelimaneli
  • Nelimeli
  • Next of Kin
  • Nimble
  • Nina Bean
  • Nini
  • Nini Bellini
  • Nitrous Oxide
  • Nob
  • Nobblehead
  • Nobunaga
  • Noobles
  • Noob-noob
  • Nooby-noobs
  • Noodle
  • Noot
  • Noot Noot
  • Nostradamus
  • Nosy
  • Nug
  • Nugg
  • Nugget
  • Nuggy
  • Nut
  • Nutcase
  • Nylon Baby
  • Oat Boats
  • Ollie
  • Oobie Doobie
  • Oopsie Shnoopsy
  • Oozpoon
  • Oswald
  • Otie
  • Oz
  • Ozzy

P – Q

  • Paddy
  • Paddy Waddy
  • Paddy Wagon
  • Pampet
  • Pamps McGee
  • Pampy
  • Papi
  • Paw Lows
  • Paw Woes
  • Peachy
  • Peanut
  • Penster
  • Perfect Angel
  • Petunia
  • Phrena
  • Piccy
  • Piglet
  • Pinky
  • Piranha
  • Piss Boy
  • Piss Man
  • Piss Toes
  • Pissy
  • Pistashi
  • Pix
  • Pixie-Baby
  • Pizza Dough Boy
  • Ponkino
  • Poo
  • Poohead
  • Pookie
  • Pookie Butt
  • Poonster
  • Poopatron
  • Poopbutt
  • Poopie
  • Poopie Butt
  • Poopsie
  • Poopsie Pie
  • Poopsta
  • Poopy
  • Poopy Bum
  • Poopy Face
  • Poopy Paws
  • Poppina
  • Poppis
  • Precious
  • Presso
  • Pretty
  • Pretty Boy
  • Pretty Girl
  • Pretty Kitty
  • Pretty Lady
  • Prince
  • Prince of Darkness
  • Princess
  • Princess Boots
  • Princess Kitty
  • Princess Purr
  • Princess Snortles
  • Princy
  • Pumpie-kins
  • Pumpkin
  • Pumpkin Cat
  • Pump-pump
  • Punk
  • Punk Ass Cat
  • Punk Cat
  • Puppy
  • Purrenstein
  • Purrritos
  • Quacker
  • Queen of Evil
  • Queenie
  • Quibber
  • Quiddy

R – S

  • Rainne Drop
  • Raven Maven
  • Remington
  • RemRem
  • Rich
  • Richard
  • Richie
  • Riles
  • Riley Coyote
  • Rodders Kitten
  • Rodney Cat
  • Rodney Rat
  • Ronchito
  • Roscoe Man
  • Rosey Nosey
  • Rusty Chicken
  • Sade
  • Salmon
  • Sammy
  • Sassafrass
  • Saucy
  • Sausage
  • Sausage Roll
  • Scaredey Cat
  • Scoots
  • Scoots McGoots
  • Scremlin
  • Scringus
  • Scruggy
  • Seamy
  • Senator
  • Senor Boodledoof
  • Señor Pa
  • Señor Papa
  • Shadow
  • Shithead
  • Shithead Cat
  • Shitty
  • Shnookums
  • Shnozzy
  • Short Man
  • Silly
  • Silly Boy
  • Silly Bug
  • Silly Cat
  • Silly Kitty
  • Silly Nilly
  • Silly Sausage
  • Simba
  • Sir Twig-A-Lot
  • Sketti
  • Sleepy Bug
  • Slinky Girl
  • Sloot
  • Small
  • Small Boi
  • Smaugs
  • Smelly
  • Smelly Ellie
  • Smidge
  • Smol Ma’am
  • Smol One
  • Smolest Ma’am
  • Smudge
  • Smudge Wudge
  • Smudgie
  • Snaccy
  • Snory Rory
  • So Smol
  • So Tiny
  • Soccer
  • Sockos
  • Songo Cat
  • Sook
  • Sooky Sook
  • Soup
  • Spaz
  • Speedy
  • Spice
  • Spicetta
  • Spiciest One of All
  • Spicy Chicken
  • Spicy Daughter
  • Spicy One
  • Spooky
  • Spooky Boy
  • Squarsh
  • Squeakasaurus
  • Squeaker
  • Squeaky
  • Squeakyface
  • Squibber
  • Squiddy
  • Squirm
  • Squishy
  • St. Lunatic
  • Stampfus Maximus
  • Stells
  • Stelly
  • Stelly-girl
  • Stink
  • Stink Butt
  • Stink Man
  • Stinkenstein
  • Stinker
  • Stinkeritos
  • Stinky
  • Stinky Ass
  • Stinky Baby
  • Stinky boy
  • Stinky Bum
  • Stinky Butt
  • Stinky Gorl
  • Stinky Man
  • Stonky Chonk
  • String Bean
  • Stubby
  • Stupid Murph
  • Subpoena the Bean-a
  • Sugar
  • Sugar Floof
  • Sugar Peas
  • Sweet Baby
  • Sweet Face
  • Sweet Girl
  • Sweet Goose
  • Sweet One
  • Sweet Pea
  • Sweet Tang
  • Sweet Thing
  • Sweetest Pea
  • Sweetheart
  • Sweetie
  • Sweetpea
  • Syl
fluffy tabby cat on fluffy blanket looking up


  • Taco
  • Tash
  • Tashbug
  • Tash-Tash
  • Teddy Ruxbin
  • Teddy Spaghetti
  • Teddy Weddy
  • Tedster
  • Teens
  • Teens McBeans
  • Teeny
  • Teeny Boi
  • Teeny Cat
  • Teeny Weeny Houdini
  • That Stink
  • That Thing
  • The Baby
  • The Beast
  • The Beastie
  • The Boy
  • The Brick
  • The Child
  • The Cloud
  • The Demon
  • The Destroyer of Worlds
  • The Fluff
  • The Jester
  • The Purr
  • The Red Menace
  • Thena
  • Theodore
  • Tiny Baby
  • Tiny Cat
  • Tiny Demon
  • Tiny Girl
  • Tiny Honey
  • Tiny Jan
  • Tiny Miss
  • Tiny Nugga Man
  • Tiny One
  • Toast
  • Toasty Girl
  • Tobes
  • Tobi
  • Tobi-Toes
  • Topiary
  • Triple B
  • Trixie Tang
  • Trolki
  • Trololino
  • Trouble
  • Troublemaker
  • Tubby
  • Tubby Lard
  • Tuber
  • Tuberosclerosis
  • Tuckasaurus Rex
  • Tuckeroni
  • Tuckrone
  • Tuckster
  • Tucky
  • Tumpy
  • Tumpy Lady
  • Turbo
  • Turd
  • Turkey
  • Turks
  • TwatCat
  • Twig
  • Twig Twig
  • Twiggaroo
  • Twiggster
  • Twiggy Miggy
  • Twiggy Twiggy Twig Twig
  • Twiggylicious
  • Twiggynator
  • Twiggyzoom

U – Z

  • Ugly
  • Vinci Kitty
  • Vladimir Butin
  • Void
  • Voidkitty
  • Ween
  • Weenie
  • Whipper Snapper
  • Whitey
  • Wide Load
  • Wiggly Bug
  • Wilbo Baggins
  • Wilburino
  • Wilburkins
  • Will-da-beast
  • Willow Pillow
  • Wils
  • Witch Cakes
  • Witten
  • Wolfcat
  • Wolfie
  • Wolfs
  • Wombles
  • Wumpy
  • Yuki Miss
  • Yuki-chan
  • Yung Floofle
  • Zo
  • Zo Bug
  • Zo Zo
  • Zooey
  • Zoomie Lady
  • Zoy Bean
  • Zoya Sauce
  • Zoya the Destroya
  • Zozozo
grey shorthair cat face wearing sunglasses

[Image credits: All images are used under license or with permission]


  • Dr. Wendy Wilkins DVM PhD.

    Dr. Wendy Wilkins is an experienced veterinarian and epidemiologist with over 20 years of expertise. She holds a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree and a Doctorate in Epidemiology from the University of Saskatchewan. Throughout her career, Dr. Wilkins has excelled in clinical practice, academia, research, and regulatory veterinary medicine. She is a respected voice in knowledge dissemination, delivering factual information in a readable and understandable manner through articles, books, and public engagements.

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