DIY cat repellent spray - a grey longhaired cat looking curiously at a potted plant, with a hand holding a red and white spray bottle, all isolated on a white background
DIY Cat Repellent Spray for Plants: Vet Tested and Approved
Cats and plants share our living spaces, bringing joy, beauty, and a touch of the wild into our homes and gardens. Yet, sometimes our feline friends can be a little too curious about our green companions,...
what do cat fleas look like to the human eye - microscopic view of a cat flea isolated on a light grey background
Tiny Terror: What Do Cat Fleas Look Like to the Human Eye
Greetings, devoted pet parents and animal aficionados! Today, we’re zeroing in on a common adversary of our beloved fur babies: Ctenocephalides felis, more commonly known as the cat flea.  This...
why do cats knock things over - grey tabby kitten trying to tip over a goldfish bowl, isolated on a white background
Why Do Cats Knock Things Over?
Cats are notorious for their curious and sometimes mischievous behavior, and one of their most perplexing habits is knocking things over.   But why do cats knock things over?  Let’s...
Can Cats Get Along with Pit Bulls - studio image of a bluenose pitbull and a grey tabby cat laying next to each other, isolated on a white background
Can Cats Get Along with Pit Bulls and Bully Breeds?
Curious about whether your cat can coexist peacefully with a Pit Bull or Bully breed dog? Many pet owners wonder about this dynamic, given the stereotypes surrounding these breeds. Cats can get along...