black bengal cat lying on its side outdoors on short green lawn grass
The Mini Black Panther: Melanistic Bengal Cats
You have a question – what is a black Bengal cat? Well, we have the answer! The black Bengal cat is a stunning melanistic color variation of the Bengal cat breed reminiscent of a miniature black...
Save Your Plants and Your Cats: DIY Cat Repellant Spray for Houseplants
Cats and plants bring life to our living spaces, adding beauty and a touch of nature to our homes. However, sometimes our cats’ curiosity can lead to trouble, like chewed leaves and toppled pots....
cats are better than dogs - image of a tabby cat and a shepard dog giving each other the side eye, white background
Cats Rule, Dogs Drool: Why Cats Are Better Than Dogs
Welcome to the age-old debate that has divided pet owners for generations: which is the better companion, cats or dogs? As cat aficionados, we are firmly team cats-are-better-than-dogs. But before you...
Snow Bengal Cat outdoors in a tree
A Closer Look At The Snow Bengal Cat (with pictures)
What is a snow Bengal Cat? A snow Bengal cat is a Bengal cat with a specific coat color consisting of a very light creamy background color and muted markings. Their snowy appearance has led to the nickname...