cat and ferret collage
Do Cats And Ferrets Get Along? The Cold Hard Truth
Cats and ferrets are more likely to get along if they are introduced to each other at a young age, as they are still in their socialization period and can learn to accept each other's presence. However,...
Cats Are Better Than Dogs: Here's Why
Cats and dogs are two of the most popular pets in the world. While cats may not be as widely recognized as man’s best friend, they can still make great companions for those seeking a pet. But were you...
close up view of a cat's nose
Why Is My Cat's Nose Wet?
If you are a cat owner, you’ve probably noticed more than once that your cat’s nose seems to be wet. You may even have noticed that the wetness level varies from day to day. But why is your...
white cat where a plastic cone Elizabethan collar e-collar
What Is An Elizabethan Collar (And Does My Cat Need One)
Has your veterinarian told you that your cat is going to need an Elizabethan collar, or e-collar? If so, you are probably wondering what exactly your vet is talking about. An Elizabethan collar for cats...