cat is peeing blood - closeup image of a calico cat peeking out from behind a white curtain against a light green wall
What to Do if Your Cat is Peeing Blood - Veterinary Advice
Discovering that your cat is peeing blood can be an alarming and nerve-wracking experience for any pet parent. It’s a situation that screams for both understanding and immediate action. Don’t...
HOW TO STOP CAT PEEING ON BED - bengal cat standing on a bed with white duvet covering and pink bedroom walls
How to Stop Your Cat from Peeing on the Bed: Advice From a Vet
Discovering your cat has turned your bed into its personal bathroom is not only frustrating but deeply concerning. If you find yourself dealing with this unwelcome behavior, you’re not alone. Many cat...
Can Squirrels Eat Cat Food - picture of a grey squirrel on a log stump eating nuts
Can Squirrels Eat Cat Food? Dietary Differences
Have you ever spotted a squirrel bravely approaching your outdoor cat’s food dish? It’s a curious sight for pet owners and wildlife observers alike. Why are they doing this? Can squirrels eat...
Are Spider Plants Toxic To Cats - close up image of a dense growth of spider plants
Are Spider Plants Toxic To Cats? A Veterinarian Answers
by Dr. WL Wilkins, DVM, PhD. Spider plants, scientifically known as Chlorophytum comosum, are among the most popular houseplants due to their low maintenance and ability to thrive in indirect light....